FitLabDeepCreek Movement Tips & Labrador Lessons 36:24

FitLabDeepCreek promotes #movementisalifestyle with weekly movement tips & a Labrador Lesson.  This week the Labs told us to Have a Happy & Safe Labor Day

Our Movement Tips: Trail Tips for New Movers & A Bike Storage Solution

FitLabDeepCreek Movement Tip & 2 Labrador Lessons 25:24

FitLabDeepCreek promotes #movementisalifestyle with weekly movement tips & a Labrador Lesson.  This week the Labs gave us 2 tips due to the hot weather The Upside of Social Media Heatwave Safety Tips

Our Movement Tip- You Can’t Control the Weather


FitLabPGH’s Movement Tips & Labrador Lessons 18:24

FitLabPGH promotes #movementisalifestyle with weekly movement tips & a Labrador Lesson.  This week the Labs say Don’t Let “Bad” Weather Keep You Inside


Our Movement Tips: It’s OK To “Just” Move & There Is No “Should” In Movement

FitLabPGH’s Movement Tips & Labrador Lessons 16:24

FitLabPGH promotes #movementisalifestyle with weekly movement tips & a Labrador Lesson.  This week the Labs say Include Your Dogs in Your Spring Adventures

Our Movement Tips: Move With What You Have & Make Your Movement Mindful

FitLabPGH’s Movement Tips & Lab Lessons Week 6 of 2024

FitLabPGH promotes #movementisalifestyle with weekly movement tips a week & a Lab Lesson aka learn from the Labradors.

This week the Labradors remind us to check in w our new year resolutions

Our movement tips: Create Multiple Movement Plans & Enjoy Your Activities to Make Movement a Lifestyle

FitLabPGH’s Movement Tips & Lab Lessons Week 4 of 2024

FitLabPGH brought to you by Moving2Live promotes #movementisalifestyle with weekly movement tips a week & a Lab Lesson aka learn from the Labradors.

This week the Labradors remind us to #bepatient with our #movementpractice

Our movement tips: Make Winter a Time To Play & Be Comfortable With Your Comfort Zonne  #wintercycling #winterfun #getmoving


FitLabPGH’s Movement Tips & Lab Lessons Week 1 of ’24

FitLabPGH brought to you by Moving2Live promotes the ethos #movementisalifestyle with 2 movement tips a week and a Lab Lesson aka learn from the Labradors.

This week the Labradors wish us a Happy New Year and suggest we #movemore

 Our movement tips: start where you are at #getmoving #2024goals & cold weather movement comfort

FitLabPGH’s Movement Tips & Lab Lessons Week 52 of ’23

FitLabPGH brought to you by Moving2Live promotes the ethos #movementisalifestyle with 2 movement tips a week and a Lab Lesson aka learn from the Labradors.

This week the Labradors remind us to make movement a part of our holiday celebration

Our movement tips: setting #movementgoals for 2024 & move for you, not for social media likes

FitLabPGH’s Movement Tips & Lab Lessons Week 38 of ’23

FitLabPGH brought to you by Moving2Live promotes the ethos #movement is a lifestyle, not just an activity with 3 movement tips a week and a Lab Lesson aka learn from the Labradors.

This week the Labradors give us a great #LabLesson – Make Movement a Priority

Our movement tips: Layering Season is Here aka #hoodietime Be You, Not Them 7 #GetOutside this fall!!