FitLabPGH Lab Lessons 7:23 Be Present

Labrador Lesson for 2-10-23:

Be Present.

As Labradors, we are not fans of multitasking…we live in the moment, and we’re fully “present” at all times…whether we’re wrestling in the living room, having zoomies in the backyard, hiking with our humans, chewing on sticks, or eating a meal…we enjoy each moment.

We understand that humans sometimes get tempted by the appeal of multitasking, perhaps listening to a podcast or having a conference call while taking a walk, or listening to an audiobook while working out at the gym, but we encourage you to take a tip from us…try staying fully focused on your current activity. Enjoy what you’re doing and focus on your environment, including your 2- or 4-legged companions. We suspect you’ll enjoy your activity more, and that you’ll be more relaxed when you finish if you stay present in the moment.

FitLabPGH Lab Lessons 6:23 Make Time to Play

Labrador Lesson for 2-3-23:

Make Time to Play.

As Labradors, we make time to play every day…whether we’re wrestling in the living room, having zoomies in the backyard, or hiking with our humans, we enjoy our movement and play time.

We understand that humans sometimes get caught up in “crushing” their movement or workout goals, but we encourage you to take a tip from us…make time to play. Whether you have 2 legs or 4, it’s easier to make movement part of your lifestyle if movement feels less like work and more like play!

FitLabPGH Lab Lessons 5:23 Help Keep Us Safe

Labrador Lesson for 1-27-23:

Help keep us safe.

As Labradors, we don’t always make the best decisions. So we ask our humans to help keep us safe. If we’re not in our fenced in backyard (or in the house), we’re on leash…why? Because, left to our own devices, we might chase a rabbit 🐇, spook a deer 🦌, or encounter a skunk 🦨 or porcupine! We’ve also been known to eat things we shouldn’t eat. Plus, we’re lovers, not fighters, and we’d rather avoid unfriendly dogs.

If you’re a dog who makes questionable decisions, ask your humans to help keep you safe. And if you’re a human with dogs in your life, do your best to keep them safe and healthy!

FitLabPGH Lab Lessons 4:23 Remember to Have Fun

Labrador Lesson for 1-20-23:

Remember to have fun.

As Labradors, we don’t read the news, but we see just enough television and social media to know that there is no shortage of negativity in the world. Take a tip from us: focus on the positive and remember to have fun. Our fun times include walking with our humans (on leash, for their safety); chewing sticks; and watching deer and turkeys. We also love frolicking in the snow, but even when there’s no snow, we remember to have fun when we get outside.

Whether you have 2 legs or 4, remember to have fun…in your movement practice, and in the rest of your life. Focus on the positive and create fun times whenever possible.